When You're In Love With a Beautiful Wom

When You're In Love With a Beautiful Woman - Dr. Hook

DR HOOK Sharing The Night Together With Lyrics
Dr Hook - Sexy Eyes

Dr. Hook - Only sixteen

When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入愛河
              Dr. Hook           虎克博士
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入情網
It's hard 是很辛苦的
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入愛河
You know it's hard 你明白那真得很辛苦
Everybody wants her 每個男人都想要她
Everybody loves her 每個男人都很愛她
Everybody wants to take your baby home 每個男人都想把你的寶貝帶回家去
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入情網
Watch your friends 看緊你的朋友們
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入愛河
It never ends 那是沒完沒了的
You know that's crazy 雖然那很瘋狂
You want to trust her 但你得信任她
Then somebody hangs up when you answer the phone 當你一拿起電話,對方就把電話掛斷
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入情網
You go it alone 你會被孤立
Maybe it's just an ego problem 也許那只是我個人的問題
Problem is I've been fooled before 問題是我曾被戲弄過
But fair-weather friends and faint-hearted lover 但損友們和和心軟的愛人孰輕孰重?
And everytime it happens 每次這種事發生時
It just convinces me more 就更能說服我
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入情網
You watch her eyes 看看她的眼睛
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入愛河
You look for lies 你會開始尋找謊言
Everybody tempts her 因為每個男人都想勾引她
Everybody tells her 每個男人都告訴她
She's the most beautiful woman they know 她是他們認識的女人中最美麗的
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入愛河
You go it alone 你會被孤立
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入情網
You watch your friends 看好你的朋友們
When you're in love with a beautiful woman 當你和美女墜入愛河
It never ends ........ 那是沒完沒了的

Dr. Hook (虎克博士合唱團) 1968年成立於美國紐澤西州


主唱: Dr. Hook (原名 Ray Sawyer)

吉他手: Dennis Locorriere

吉他手: George Cummings

鍵盤手: Bill Francis

鼓手: Jay David


主唱Ray Sawyer是一位殘障歌手,因為車禍的關係,一隻眼睛不幸失明,因此戴著眼罩。加上他經常一身牛仔裝扮,看起來就像虎克船長的模樣,因此他得到了Dr. Hook這個外號。也由於這個名字相當引人矚目,因此,樂團成立的時候,大夥就同意用Dr. Hook做為團名。

Dr. Hook一開始的作品,大部分都來自於Shel Silverstein的創作。1977年,單曲「Sylvias Mother」大受歡迎,不但順利登上美國排行榜第一名,更成為當時各家電台播放率最高的歌曲,Dr. Hook的名聲,也因此迅速建立起來。這首「When youre in love with a beautiful woman」,收錄在1978年專輯「Pleasure & Pain」之中。這首歌可以說是Dr. Hook悠閒曲風的典型代表作品,輕快的旋律、主唱磁性的唱腔,搭配美妙的合聲,相當受到歌迷的歡迎。這首歌不但在美國創下了Top 10的成績,在英國更是奪下冠軍寶座。